What to do if your Alocasia has a broken stem
If you have an Alocasia in your home, you know that it is a beautiful and impressive plant. However, sometimes the stems of these plants can grow very long, and when you move them or they grow too big, they can break. In this blog we will discuss the reasons why the stems of Alocasia can grow so long, why they can break, and what to do if your stem does break.
Most stem breaks occur in Alocasia Zebrina and Alocasia Macrrorhiza.
Why are the stems of my Alocasia so long?
Alocasias are known for their large leaves and long stems. The stems of these plants can sometimes grow up to 1.5 meters long. This is normal, and is a sign that your plant is healthy and strong. The stems are needed to support the large leaves and to transport nutrients from the roots to the leaves. Good nutrients come from the right potting soil for Alocasias.
If the stems of your Alocasia grow very long, it is important to ensure that the plant gets enough water and nutrients, and that it is placed in a spot where it gets enough light .
Why does the stem of the Alocasia break?
Unfortunately, it can happen that the stem of your Alocasia breaks. This can have several causes. One of the most common causes is that the plant does not get enough water. If the stem becomes dry and brittle, it can easily break. It can also happen that the plant becomes too heavy for its own stem, which can cause it to break. This can happen, for example, if you move the plant and do not support it properly.
What to do when the stem of the Alocasia is broken
If the stem of your Alocasia is broken, it is important to act thoroughly. The first thing you should do is remove the damaged stem. Cut the stem at a point just below the break. Make sure you use a sharp and clean knife to avoid further damaging and infecting the plant.
Once you have removed the damaged stem, it is time to care for the plant. Place the Alocasia in a place where it gets enough light, but avoid direct sunlight. Water the plant regularly and make sure the soil stays moist. You can also feed the plant with special plant food. If the plant stays healthy and produces new shoots, you don't have to worry about its health! Read all about caring for the Alocasia here .
So you follow these steps:
- Remove the damaged stem with a sharp, clean knife
- Cut at an angle
- Place the plant in bright indirect light
- Water the plant and, if necessary, feed it