What is the best thing to do with the aerial roots of your Monstera?
If you’re the proud owner of a Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa), you may have noticed long, thin roots growing out of the stem and into the air. These are aerial roots, and they’re a natural and important part of the plant’s growth and development. In this blog, we’ll discuss what you can do with your Monstera’s aerial roots and provide tips on how to support their growth.
First, it is important to understand that the aerial roots of the Monstera perform a number of important functions. In nature, these roots help the plant climb and attach itself to trees or other structures. In a home environment, the aerial roots can also help the plant grow and support itself.
So, what should you do with your Monstera’s aerial roots? One option is to let the roots grow freely in a natural way. You can do this by giving the plant a support structure, such as a stake or moss stick, to allow the roots to climb and grow. You can also encourage the roots to grow downward and into the ground by burying them in the potting soil or attaching them to a support structure . Looking for a moss stick ?
It’s also important to keep in mind that the Monstera’s aerial roots are sensitive to moisture levels and can rot if kept too wet. To prevent this, make sure you water the plant correctly and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. You can find out everything you need to know about watering your Monstera here.
To recap, the Monstera’s aerial roots perform a number of important functions and can be allowed to grow freely and naturally or encouraged to grow downwards and into the soil. To support root growth, provide the plant with support and keep moisture levels in mind to prevent rot .