How much light does a Monstera need?

If you are considering adding a Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, to your houseplant collection, it is important to understand the light requirements of this tropical plant. In this blog, we will discuss how much light a Monstera needs and which light conditions are best for its growth and development.
First, it’s important to know that the Monstera is a low-light plant, meaning that it doesn’t need intense or direct sunlight to thrive. On the contrary, too much direct sunlight can be harmful to the plant, causing yellowing or burning of the leaves. Instead, the Monstera prefers bright, indirect light, such as that filtered through a window or a sheer curtain.
The ideal lighting conditions for a Monstera will depend on the specific location and orientation of your home or office. In general, Monstera does best in a spot that receives plenty of bright, indirect light during the day, such as a room with east- or west-facing windows. If your home or office doesn’t get enough natural light, you may need to add supplemental lighting, such as a grow light.
It is also important to consider the intensity and duration of light that the Monstera receives. During the spring and summer months, when the days are longer, the Monstera may benefit from additional light, such as a few hours of direct morning or evening sun. During the fall and winter months, when the days are shorter, the Monstera may need less light, as the lower intensity and duration of sunlight can be stressful for the plant.
To summarize, the Monstera is a low light plant that thrives in bright, indirect light, such as that filtered through a window or sheer curtain. The ideal lighting conditions for a Monstera will depend on the specific location and orientation of your home or office, and may need to be adjusted based on the intensity and duration of light the plant receives. Understanding your Monstera’s lighting needs will help you provide the best possible care and support its growth and development.
Want to read more about Monsteras? You can in this Monstera Guide.