De Monstera (Gatenplant) water geven

Watering the Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)


When it comes to caring for your Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, one of the most important factors to consider is watering. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to water a Monstera and provide tips and tricks to keep your plant healthy and moist.

How much water do you give the Monstera?

First of all, it is important to understand that the Monstera is a tropical plant that prefers to be kept constantly moist, but not wet. Overwatering can be harmful to the plant, leading to root rot and yellowing of the leaves. On the other hand, underwatering can also be harmful, leading to wilting of the leaves and stress to the plant. Although, if you have to make a choice, we would always choose underwatering rather than overwatering.

How often do you water the Monstera?

So how do you know when it’s time to water your Monstera? The best way to determine your plant’s water needs is to check the moisture in the soil. You can do this by sticking your finger about 2 inches into the soil. If the soil feels dry at this depth, it’s time to water your plant. If the soil feels moist, you can wait a few more days before watering the plant.

When watering your Monstera, it is important to use lukewarm water and water the plant thoroughly, until the water drips from the pot. You can also use a moisture meter to ensure that the moisture level in the soil is within the optimal range for your plant.

So it's not so much about how much water you give but how often you give water!

To summarize, the Monstera is a tropical plant that prefers to be kept constantly moist, but not wet. To determine your plant's water needs, check the moisture level in the soil and use lukewarm water to water the plant thoroughly. 

Totally convinced of Monstera's? You can view our collection here !

Want to know more about Monsteras in general? Read more here .

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