Jouw Perfecte Nordmann Kerstboom - Vind Hem Hier in Leuven

Your Perfect Nordmann Christmas Tree - Find It Here in Leuven

The Nordmann : Enjoy a Beautiful Christmas Tree Without Needle Loss  

The Nordmann is a well-known and popular choice among Christmas tree lovers. This variety is known for its almost odourless scent, except when you touch the needles. A big advantage of the Nordmann is its minimal needle loss and the fact that the needles do not prick. This tree species often stands a bit wider than other Christmas trees and offers beautiful, spreading branches. With its lush appearance, the Nordmann is often considered the top class among Christmas trees, a true 'Mercedes' among its peers. However, keep in mind that when planting the Nordmann in your garden, this tree can grow up to 20 metres high.

Christmas Tree Care: Keep Your Nordmann Alive and Kicking  

  • Do not place your Christmas tree near a heater or near a fireplace, as too much heat can be harmful to the tree. A draughty spot is also not ideal. Choose a bright location, but avoid direct sunlight.  
  • To keep your tree fresh for as long as possible and to prevent needle loss and dehydration, it is wise to let it get used to a cooler space, such as the garage or hallway, for the first few days.  
  • Did you buy a Christmas tree with a root ball? Then place it in a large pot and water it generously. Make sure the soil remains slightly moist at all times. While the tree is indoors, give it half a liter to one liter of water daily.  
  • For a Christmas tree without a root ball, also applies: give it water. Place it in a stand with a water reservoir.  
  • If you are considering planting your Christmas tree in the garden, give it plenty of water when transplanting and continue to water the tree regularly until mid-May. This will give your Christmas tree the best chance to thrive.  

Plant and Care for Your Christmas Tree for Reuse in the Garden  

Give your Christmas tree time to acclimatize before planting. Leave the tree in a garage or on a covered terrace for a few days to get used to the ambient temperature before planting it out. Choose a day without frost to put the tree out.  

When transplanting, dig a hole that is twice as wide and deep as the root ball of the tree. Partially fill this hole with plant hummus or soil improver before placing the tree. Immediately after transplanting, water the tree generously to help the roots establish.  

In spring you can give the tree some fertilizer, but don't overdo it. Two to three times is enough. Keep the tree well hydrated, especially during dry periods in spring and summer, until September. Regular watering is crucial for the health of the tree.  

Make sure the tree gets enough moisture, especially when you notice new green shoots. To give the tree the best chance of survival, it is advisable to only bring it back into the house as a Christmas tree after at least two years.  

Your Nordmann Christmas tree at home  

Looking for the perfect Nordmann Christmas tree in Leuven? Discover where to find these beautiful Christmas trees and bring the magic of the holidays right into your home with these lush and needle-free beauties!  

Order your Christmas tree!

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