
How do you use hydro grains for your plants?

Hydro grains, also known as LECA, or Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate, is a popular growing medium used in hydroponics and indoor gardens. Often referred to as hydroballs or clay balls , LECA is made from clay that has been fired at high temperatures to create small, lightweight, and porous balls.
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What are hydro grains?

LECA is a type of growing medium made from clay that is baked at high temperatures to create small, light, and porous balls. This medium is often used in hydroponics and indoor gardens because it provides excellent drainage and aeration for plants.

How to use hydro grains?

LECA can be used in your garden in a variety of ways. One of the most popular ways to use LECA is as a standalone medium for plants. Simply fill a container with LECA and plant your seeds or seedlings directly into the medium. LECA can also be used in conjunction with other growing media, such as soil or compost.

LECA as hydroponics for your plants

LECA is also commonly used in hydroponics, a method of growing plants without soil. In hydroponics, LECA is used to support the roots of plants while they are suspended in a nutrient-rich solution. This method is ideal for growing plants in small spaces or in places with little natural light.

Hydro grains as a substrate for plants

LECA can also be used as a substrate for plants, meaning it can be placed at the bottom of a container to provide support and drainage for the plant’s roots. This is a great option for larger plants that need more support and drainage than a standalone medium can provide.

In short, LECA is a versatile and popular growing medium for hydroponics and indoor gardening. Its small, lightweight, and porous balls provide excellent drainage and aeration for plants, and it can be used in a variety of ways, including as a standalone medium, in combination with other growing media, in hydroponics, and as a substrate for plants.

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