Een Monstera Stekken

Cutting a Monstera

Taking a cutting from a Monstera ? That's pretty easy! In this blog you will find all the information you need to successfully take cuttings from your Monstera! We will talk about where to cut your Monstera, when the cutting can go in soil and whether the Monstera cutting can also go in water!

We will explain how to propagate the Monstera using the following steps

  1. Choosing the place to cut
  2. Choosing between water and earth
  3. Growing your cutting successfully

Where do you cut the Monstera cutting?

It is best to cut your Swiss cheese plant so that your cutting has the following properties: an aerial root, a leaf, and about five centimetres of stem between the aerial root and the cutting point.

Wait, what? An aerial root ? Yes! You can recognize it by the stem of your monstera as a knob or long root. When we put this in water or soil, roots will develop from the aerial root! For that reason, it is important!

It is best to choose a cutting with one leaf, so that the plant does not dry out quickly and the plant puts energy into new leaves.

Propagating Monstera in water or soil?

The choice is yours , water or soil? Cuttings can grow in either medium and each has its advantages!

Cutting in water has quite a few advantages! You see the roots grow and in our experience the chance of success is greater. On the other hand, you have to change the water regularly (weekly). Cutting in water can also take a very long time, as you must have at least 6 centimetres of root before you (possibly) transplant it.

By putting your cutting in soil or perlite immediately after cutting, you save the plant a shock (suddenly standing in water and then changing to soil again). The disadvantage is that you do not know how well the root development is going and you have to choose the right pot (soil). We certainly have a favorite potting soil for Monsteras.

How long does it take to propagate a Monstera?

Cuttings are a work of patience . You can of course help your cuttings by giving them lukewarm water, enough light and heat. So be careful with cold water, direct sunlight and cold environments.

Have fun cutting and good luck!

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