
The Best Plants for the Windowsill in Full Sun

At De Plantrekkers, we understand that choosing the right plants for your windowsill is an important decision. You want to select plants that not only thrive in full sun, but are also an asset to your interior. In this blog, we share our expertise and offer you a comprehensive guide to the best plants for your windowsill in full sun. Whether you are an experienced plant lover or just starting out on your green adventure, we have the perfect plants for you.

Why Plants on the Windowsill?

Placing plants on your windowsill has many benefits. Not only do they add beauty and greenery to your interior, but they also create a cozy atmosphere and offer numerous health benefits. Plants help improve air quality by filtering harmful substances and releasing oxygen. In addition, they can have a calming effect and reduce stress. With the right plants on your windowsill, you can create an oasis of peace and serenity in your own home.

Plants That Are Happy in Full Sun

When selecting plants for your windowsill, it’s important to consider the amount of sunlight they’ll receive. For windowsills that get a lot of direct sunlight, there are several plant species that thrive in these conditions. Here are some popular options:

1. Succulents and Cacti

Plants for full sun cacti and succulents

Succulents and cacti are excellent choices for windowsills in full sun. This may be a bit of an open door, but why do they do so well in these areas? These plants have adapted structures that allow them to store water, making them more resistant to dry conditions. They often have thick leaves, spines or other adaptations that help them retain water. Some popular succulents and cacti include Echeveria, Sedum, Aloe Vera , Aloe Tiki Tahi and various types of cacti such as Echinocactus and Opuntia and of course, don't forget the sansevierias such as Zeylanica , Futura Superba , Moonshine , Black Coral and many more!

2. Large plants for the sun

Plants for the sun strelitzia nicoloai bird of paradise plant

If you are looking for slightly larger plants for the sun, we also have a number of ideal options for greening your interior. A plant we definitely recommend to every plant lover is the Strelitzia or better known as the bird of paradise plant . This beautiful plant can also withstand the sun very well and is very easy to maintain. The Yucca and the Pachira aquatica are also certainly candidates for a place with a lot of sunlight. As these plants come in different sizes, something for everyone!

3. Herbs and Spices

If you want functional plants on your windowsill in addition to beauty, herbs and spices are a great choice. Many herbs and spices thrive in full sun and not only provide flavorful additions to your dishes, but also a wonderful scent in your home. Basil, rosemary, thyme, and oregano are some examples of herbs that enjoy plenty of sunlight. They can not only be used in your culinary creations, but also enjoyed for their aromatic properties.

4. Flowering Plants

Plants for the sun, flowering plants petunia

If you’re looking to add a pop of color and beauty to your windowsill, there are several flowering plants that thrive in full sun. Geraniums are known for their vibrant blooms and are a favorite choice for sunny windowsills. Petunias, with their many flower colors and shapes, also add a cheerful touch to your home. Other options include Lantana, which produces an abundance of small flowers, and Portulaca, which has beautiful, colorful blooms.

Tips for Care and Maintenance

To ensure that your plants thrive on your sunny windowsill, there are some important care guidelines to follow:

  1. Watering: Make sure to water your plants regularly, but avoid overwatering. Check the soil before watering and water when the top layer feels dry. Note that some succulents and cacti require less water than others.

  2. Sunlight: Place your plants on a windowsill where they can receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. However, check that your plants are not exposed to too much midday sun, as this can burn their leaves.

  3. Fertilization: Feed your plants regularly with a suitable fertilizer for houseplants. Follow the instructions on the packaging for the correct dosage and frequency, it is best to always give slightly less than stated on the packaging to avoid acidification of the soil.

  4. Pruning: Regularly remove dead leaves and flowers to promote the health and appearance of your plants. Also prune as needed to maintain the shape and size of the plants.

  5. Bugs: if your plants are bothered by bugs, you can read all about combating the most common bugs and how to get rid of them as quickly as possible in our blog: Help, I have bugs on my plants .

With these simple guidelines and a little attention, you'll see your windowsill come to life with beautiful, healthy plants.


Choosing the right plants for your full sun windowsill is essential to creating a vibrant and atmospheric environment. Succulents, cacti, herbs, spices and flowering plants are excellent choices for sunny windowsills. By providing the right care and maintenance, your plants will thrive and be a source of joy and beauty in your home. At De Plantrekkers we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect plants for your windowsill. Feel free to contact us for more information and advice. Let’s bring your windowsill to life with beautiful plants together!

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