Monstera Monkey Mask Propagation: Step-by-Step Guide
Where to cut Monkey Mask?
Monsteras, with their unique aerial roots, make cuttings a breeze. The trick is to select the right piece of the plant. For the Monstera Monkey Mask, you will need a leaf, along with the stem and a nodule that can become an aerial root. Cut about 2 centimeters below this nodule, as seen from the top of the plant. Make sure you use clean, sharp scissors or a knife to make the cut.
How do you propagate a Monstera Monkey Mask?
Now that you have the right piece of plant, there are two options for growing it: in water or directly in soil or perlite. If you choose water, place the cutting in a vase of lukewarm water, with the knob remaining in the water and the leaf sticking out above it. Change the water regularly and transplant the cutting to soil once the roots are about two inches long.
If you want to put the cutting in the ground right away, moisten the soil slightly and stick the cutting in, with the nodule under the ground with a bit of stem underneath. It is best to use a nutritious potting soil, which you can find here. Press the soil firmly, but be careful not to crush the emerging roots and water it regularly to keep it moist.
Caring for your cutting
A cutting needs care and attention, similar to a delicate baby. Make sure the cutting gets enough daylight, but avoid direct sunlight. Keep the temperature around 15 degrees Celsius, even at night, and provide a slightly humid environment, especially around the roots.
When is the best time to take cuttings from your monstera?
Spring is the ideal season for cuttings, when the plant is growing vigorously. At this time, cuttings have the best chance of successfully rooting, while the mother plant also recovers well from pruning.
Common problems with propagating the monstera monkey mask:
1. How do I know which piece of plant to use for propagating a Monstera Monkey Mask?
- For a Monstera Monkey Mask you will need a leaf, along with the stem and a nodule that can become an aerial root. Cut about 2 centimeters below this nodule, as seen from the top of the plant.
2. What is the best way to propagate a Monstera Monkey Mask: in water or directly into soil?
- Both methods are effective. If you choose water, transplant the cutting into soil once the roots are about two inches long. If you plant the cutting directly into soil, make sure the nodule is below ground with a bit of stem underneath.
3. When is the best time to propagate a Monstera Monkey Mask?
- Spring/early summer is the ideal season for taking cuttings, when the plant is growing vigorously and the cuttings have the best chance of rooting successfully.
Don't have a monkey mask yet? You can order one here and it will be delivered to your home soon!
Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us or visit our store in Leuven and we will be happy to help you with all your plant questions!