Help! Ik krijg zelfs mijn cactus dood!

Help! I can even kill my cactus!

Ouch ouch ouch.. A cactus dead! That would be the easiest plant??

Well, never say you can't take care of plants, because the cactus dies most often by taking too much care of it. Really! Overwatering is the number 1 cause of a lost cactus. In this blog you can read how your next cactus will survive.

The cactus originally grows in very dry places. As with all plants, you should try to imitate its natural habitat. That means: not too much water, lots of light and nice and warm. A place by the window in the sun and every now and then a good portion of water. How often and how much should you water? That varies! Let's take a look.

When it comes to plants, people often think of too much water, but that doesn't exist. There is only too much watering. With a cactus, it is best to let the soil dry out completely before providing your irritable friend with a drink again. In other places, a little logical thinking about the origin is sufficient. For example, real tropical rainforest plants are much less sensitive to too much watering. So it is better to give your cactus too little water than too much, just like in nature!

There is no such thing as too much water! Too often, yes!

An important side note is that the water should be able to flow easily from the pot. Water on the bottom of your pot should be avoided at all times to prevent root rot.

Are you still not confident in your cactus skills? Check this list , we have collected the ideal dorm plants for you!


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