Zo verzorg je een caladium

How to care for a Caladium

The Caladium is also called Elephant Ear in common parlance. Yes! Just like the Alocasia . Their large, colorful leaves make them a perfect addition to any room in your home. You can find them in many colors and patterns! Green, white, pink, with spots, stripes,.. In this guide we will teach you everything you need to know about keeping Caladiums happy and healthy. This plant does need some attention and good care.

The Caladium in general

The Caladiums are very seasonal. This colorful plant originates from South America, where it is tropical. They grow from tubers that hibernate. Put it in a dark place or stick it in the ground and do not water it anymore. The leaves will turn brown and die off naturally. You can just leave them hanging because the plant
gets its energy from there. That way it can come out beautifully again in the spring and you start taking care of it like other plants. In the fall, the leaves unfortunately die off again and the winter sleep starts again. How jealous I am of that plant…

Types of Caladium

  • Caladium bicolor
  • Caladium 'Florida Moonlight'
  • Caladium 'Frog in a Blender'
  • Caladium 'Miss Muffet'
  • Caladium 'Spring Fling'
  • Caladium 'Strawberry Star'
  • Caladium 'White Queen'
  • Caladium 'White Christmas'

Caring for the Caladium

How much water does the Caladium need?

Give it a few splashes of water per week. Don't let the soil get super dry but also not too wet, so the plant doesn't dry out and the tuber can't rot. Do you notice the leaves turning yellow? Then you've given the plant too much water. Add some potting soil. Are the leaves drooping? Your plant is clearly thirsty!

What light should the Caladium be in?

The Caladium likes indirect light. So don't put it in full sun, but also not in the shade. A few meters from the window is perfect. Do you notice brown spots on the leaves? Then move it a bit further away from the window! Do the colored spots disappear and do they turn green? Then move it a bit closer to the light.

Is humidity important for the Caladium?

Keep the humidity high. A good humidity is between 50% and 60%. Spray water on the leaves regularly or place bowls of water on the radiator (in winter). This will prevent the dry brown edges on the leaves.

Does the Caladium need to be fertilized?

Your Caladium also likes some houseplant food sometimes. This way you support the growth of the plant. Feed it from March until the end of the summer, do this once a month. Certainly not more often!

Repotting of the tuber is best done in the spring. Take a somewhat larger pot than the size of your growing pot. 2-3 cm larger is sufficient.

Because the leaves are vulnerable, it is best to check them regularly for bugs. Check the underside of the leaves regularly. Do you see bugs crawling? Try to combat them by spraying them with water or wiping them with a wet cloth. You can also dab the bugs with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

The tubers of the Caladium

With its striking leaves and vibrant colours, this plant is an absolute showstopper. In this friendly step-by-step guide, we take you into the world of Caladium tubers, so you can shine in the plant kingdom.

Choosing the Right Tubers

Your adventure begins with choosing the perfect Caladium tubers. Our advice: invest in quality. Here are the criteria you should pay attention to:

  1. Size and Weight: Go for tubers that are nice and big and firm. Bigger tubers often have more 'desire' to grow.

  2. Health: Check for disease or damage. Healthy tubers are smooth and free of rotten spots.

  3. Variety: Caladiums come in a variety of colors and patterns. Choose a variety that suits your taste.

Perfect Timing

Now that you have the tubers, it is time to plant. The best time to do this is in the spring, when the temperatures are rising and the frost has left. This will give your Caladiums enough time to develop before the cold hits again.

Let's Get Started!

  1. Spot-on Location: Caladiums like partial shade or soft sunlight. Provide well-drained soil to prevent root rot.

  2. Dig and Plant: Make holes 5-7 cm deep and place the tubers with the rounded side up. Keep 20 cm space between each tuber.

  3. Water: After planting, give a generous drink of water to moisten the soil, but not soaking wet.

  4. Fertilize: As your Caladiums grow, give them some love with a balanced fertilizer for healthy growth and beautiful foliage.

  5. Tender Loving Care: Keep them happy with regular watering and removing dead leaves. Watch for pests and intervene when necessary.

Patience is Rewarded

Growing Caladiums takes some patience, but oh, the rewards are sweet! As summer progresses, the leaves will come to life in enchanting colors. Don't forget to share your flowering Caladiums and inspire others with your green fingers.

How to wake Caladium tubers from hibernation?

The awakening of Caladium tubers from their natural winter sleep feels like seeing old friends again. In early spring, take the tubers out of storage and give them a gentle welcome in a bright space, but without direct sunlight, to prevent burning.
Start with moderate watering and gradually adjust as signs of awakening appear. Soon these tubers will transform into beautiful Caladium plants that you can nurture indoors or outdoors. It is a process to enjoy, and patience is certainly rewarded!

Common Caladium problems

Here we have written down the most common problems with the Caladium. Do not hesitate to contact us if your problem is not listed or if you still need help.

The leaves of my Caladium are drooping

Your plant is probably thirsty. Time for its weekly drink of water. But please don't drown it by watering too often!

Why are the leaves of my caladium turning yellow?

Oops, maybe you did drown him? You can still save him by sticking some tampons in the potting soil. (No joke!) Make sure the soil is slightly moist.

Eww, my Caladium has bugs!

Don't panic! Take a wet cloth or sprayer and make the leaves a little wet. Do this almost daily until you don't see any more bugs. You can of course also use chemicals, but that is not great for the plant, the environment and people. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about that with the Jungle Mist from De Plantrekkers . It is a 100% natural and organic spray that makes your plants look shiny and keeps unwanted visitors at a distance.

Fruit flies are coming out of the potting soil of my Caladium.

Are there those annoying fruit flies coming out of the potting soil? There are also handy tips for that. Prevent them by not giving your plant too much water, because they like that. Too late? Never too late. Place a small jar with fruit or vinegar in the pot, and cover it with a foil with holes in it. Bye flies!

My caladium is not growing in the summer.

Wake up. Oops, your tuber won't wake up after its winter sleep? Then you may not have cared for it properly... It is important to store it well during the winter. Hide it in potting soil, in a dark and dry place of around 12 degrees.

Are you going to buy the Caladium?

This plant requires some attention and care but you will get a beautiful colorful beauty plant in your interior! Any questions? Feel free to send us an email or DM via our socials. (@deplantrekkers)

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