5 tips for buying plants
Buying houseplants can be quite a challenge. After all, there are many factors to consider when searching for and choosing a plant. At De Plantrekkers, we work on the solution to a problem. We believe that we can revolutionize the plant industry by assisting people in their plant choices. In this blog, you will find our 5 tips for buying new plants.
1. Know thyself
When buying houseplants, it’s best to consider your own past. And we’re not talking about your first time getting drunk or that candy you stole. We’re talking about how well you can take care of your plants . Have you let certain plants die in the past? Then you should figure out what exactly the problem was!
You should also take your schedule into account. Are you regularly away from home for two weeks to take care of your plants? Then you should buy different plants than if you are a house sparrow at home every day.
2. Keep the location in mind
Before you buy a plant, it is best to take a look at where it will be placed . A good idea is to take a photo of the location of the plant to the store, so we can best assist you. If you still prefer to buy your houseplants online, we recommend that you use the chat function.
The location of the plant is important for the light and the draft. The more light and draft your plant gets, the more water the plant will use!

3. Pets and children
Not an unimportant detail is to know whether or not the plant is poisonous . For this you should double check with the seller to double check. Some plants like the Dieffenbacchia, are very poisonous and not safe to eat at all.
4. Keep the plant separate for two weeks
Bought a new plant? Although our plants come from the best growers and we only buy the highest quality plants, we cannot guarantee that the plants are insect-free at all times. The safest option is always to keep your new plant separated from the other houseplants for two weeks . This way you can take care of it in isolation and take a good look at it before you put it in your urban jungle.
5. Choose the right case
Perhaps one of the most important points on this list. Choose a store that you can go to and stay away from the big chains . Those big chains may sometimes have a nice bargain, but these chains will not help you with problems with your plants. Small and specialized plant shops on the other hand are always there for you and will fight with heart and soul to get your plants through the most difficult periods
Questions about your plants? Send us a message on Instagram, via the chat on the website, email, phone or smoke signal.
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